Summer Camp Schedule

The following schedule is a rough breakdown of the two full camp weeks. We hope kids can arrive on time and be ready to work as there is much to be done!

week one

Day 1: team building games, show review, music! music! music!

Day 2: Intro to characters, story and staging, games, music, music and more music, basic auditions

Day 3: casting announced, dance and music, games

Day 4: dance and staging (blocking) begins, games

Day 5: blocking, vocal workshops, games, costume fittings

week two

Day 6: dance and song review, blocking, games

Day 7: blocking/staging, additional dance if needed, games

Day 8: blocking/staging, games

Day 9: blocking/staging with props, games (Preschool performances as dress rehearsals)

Day 10: Final camp day & SHOW DAY. Today is a very long day! - Our show will be at 6:00pm.

DAY 11: Final show day
SHOW TIME- 10am. we are making it early in case the heat is unbearable. Call time for kids will be regular camp time: 8:30am
They will be excused to leave as soon as they’ve changed their clothes.