We feel so lucky to have been supported through grants from these organizations below. Without them we could not have carried on in the way we did these past couple of years.
Thank you to individual donors who give to our end of year fundraiser year after year.
Thank you also to the families who supported us by keeping their kids involved throughout the pandemic while we were online. Online was not ideal for theater, but it actually was fun in the end!
Thank you to the families who donate at our shows.
THANK YOU everyone who keeps the performing arts alive for their children!
Our Programs
In schools and in the community, we offer programs that get kids involved in musical theater and learning skills that will benefit them their entire lives. To find out more about all that we do, select any of the links below.
school programs
We offer after-school musical theater programs for different age groups (K-8) - open to ALL Portland kids - in SE Portland. We also have after-school performance programs in elementary schools in Portland. For more info click above.
summer camps
Our intensive, performance-based, two-week summer camps are open to kids heading into grades 1-8. Click above to find out more!

Portland Drama Club!
Newly formed as a 501(c)3 organization, Portland Drama Club is looking for Partners of all shapes and sizes! More community and individual donors and partners means more scholarships available to kids who would LOVE to become Club members, but can't afford the tuition. It means we can hire additional staff, offer our programs in more schools and communities, and expand our brand of hard-work-fun to kids across the area.
are you interested in becoming a corporate sponsor?